Ofcom is introducing new measures to simplify call charges for 08, 09, 116 and 118 numbers. These come into force on 26 June 2015 and are intended to promote price transparency for consumers. They can be summarised as follows:
- Mobile calls to Freephone numbers will be free of charge to the caller (they are currently only free from Landlines). If you offer Freephone numbers, the cost to you for receiving a call from a mobile phone will increase.
- New cost structure for Non-Geographic numbers. Call costs for calling a non-geographic number will be split into two distinct parts – an Access Charge and a Service Charge. When the measures comes into effect, organisations providing services using 084, 087, 09 or 118 numbers will be required to communicate the charges clearly.
- Advertising of call charges. Organisations using non-geographic numbers for inbound calls will have to clearly state the Service Charge applicable to each number. Your new pricing information must be ready to go from the point of the change, which is expected to be 26thJune 2015.
As an example, a statement along the lines of “Calls will cost 5p per minute plus your telephone company’s Access Charge” is likely to be considered compliant.
For further information, please call Class Customer Services on 0333 800 8811.
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